Tuesday 29 November 2011


We never know what may happen the next second in our lives, right? We don't know if we'll get the call of "you just won the lottery!" or we get lucky enough to be nominated as what we have always wanted to be, meet someone you haven't seen over centuries, bear a child, have the best few seconds of your life, watch a loved one die in your arms, watch your business go down the drain.........you never know what may happen next but what happens after it happens?

Ever thought what would happen if you heard a gunshot? What would you do?

1. Durk down in fear?
2. Run away screaming?
3. Stand confused, startled and in shock?
4. Video record the scenario?

What if after the gunshot you can't react to any of the above because you realize that the gunshot actually got you?

Do you?

1. Cry out for help?
2. Drop and just lay there helplessly?
3. Fight for your life?

Out of the three what would you pick?

If you were to cry out for help, what are the chances that someone would come to your rescue?
Fight for your life with all that pain?? Really is it the worth it? I’ll be punctured, scared and maybe paralyzed for life pending on wear the shot went through!
Lie there helplessly.....sounds better right?

There are some situations that happen in life that are actually like gun shots and it depends on how you face it when it gets to you!

Yeah not everyone would opt for this but this is when we tend to find out who your friends really are. They will help  through this phase, wipe your tears and hold you through consoling you and giving you hope that no matter what happens next that you’ll be ok and they’ll be right by your side through it all!!! And mentally even though we are just about to give up with the love and support from friends we tend to be positive and hold on because if someone believes in you, why can’t you yourself have the guts to believe that you can pull through in mind you aren’t alone??!!

Awesome decision!"I AM GOING TO MAKE IT NO MATTER WHAT" that I think the most positive statement I know of when everything isn’t going your way but just the thought of seen what is ahead and striving for it is what is most important because hey not everyone will be there to help you up when you fall hence the SOLE SURVIVOR theme going on!!Even though it seems impossible we always tend to strive to fight the odds and eventually after blood loss we finally make it! Hey 50 was shot how many times and is still alive? But you no what most of us forget is the concept of we do have a friend who without Him we wouldn’t be who we are so question is, why do we omit God knowing that He is there just a call away?

Really and you think I would bend down and help you if you don’t want be helped really???In life if you want to build yourself and grow you will realize as a loner you will never reach any place except the GRAVE in your miseries if not in depths of depression!!!How many times have we passed helpless people on the street and not helped them? ever wandered why? Well to me it seems like you don’t want my help but you want my pity which to me isn’t an option to be offered coz I will offend you!!!

Over the past year so much has happened to so many of us and it’s left me wandering after the gunshot what would you do?? I’ve watched the strongest pips crumble and make it worse not pick themselves up and end up on the second pick of life. It hurts but what do you do??

Take time to think about it before you ans this:


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