Friday 15 January 2016


I made resolutions that hmmmmm I can’t even remember if I was able to keep up with any of them….oh wait…..nah…those were the resolutions I made when I turned 20....something. (Still in disbelief I am now closer to 30 than 20) 

I thought to myself again…what’s the point of making resolutions all over again and yet won’t follow any of them? That’s a total waste of my time and brain cells to be quite honest. I realized, most of us tend to follow what others are doing. Why can’t you be your own person and do what’s right for you? It won’t make you uncomfortable; it’ll actually make you more comfortable in your own skin and become a sore thumb; a beautiful sore thumb from the crowd.

AND ALAS! That became my 2016 resolution. This year will be more about me…time doesn’t wait for no one and is definitely not going to treat me like a princess and wait for me. It’s time for me to get out there and make my mark. So for this year, I have promised myself to be a more active blogger and speaking out my mind. If you have a problem with that honey, ON TO THE NEXT…