Tuesday 6 December 2011


Such a small word that carries a lot of impact, don’t you think? Everyone has a fear. Some know how to control it; others live by it while most live in not knowing how to overcome it.
With a cigarette in hand, he looked at the sky and wondered why???? Is it really possible for a human to be really hurt to the extent that they become inhumane? Have no love and compassion for anyone or worse believe in the true value of having affection?
Jean Pierre, from his name you can definitely draw a picture of a young strapping young man right? Chiseled bodied, sun tanned complexion, short hair with minor curls, 6 ft 1, and hazel eyes….ordered with a drink that could be your one way ticket to heaven, no? Well he definitely had girls falling at his feet, been a model and all who wouldn’t want a piece of that? If not to taste to just package and stare at in the house like you would at a monument or a drawing, a trophy; mere fascination would be the best definition. Perfect picture from the frame but story from within….tells a different tale. WELCOME TO JEAN PIERRE’S WORLD.
Interesting how people in Paris be love in love and yet it’s just a mere emotion that confuses many and makes them do the most stupidest things ever. Jean did believe in it. Would do anything for his girl till one day he found out the hard way….. Concluded love doesn’t exist it’s just a mere perception that plays with one’s mind….commit suicide? Was an option! Hate the opposite gender? Nice way to go! Hurt all the girls that came his way? Better option… well that’s the safest game to play with a heartless person no….
Entered into a bubble that not many ever want to come out from… seen her beautiful smile, having her around him definitely made all his problems go away. Been the envy of most dudes, boy definitely had his way, he would even drive 200kph on the highway if she ever called and said she was in trouble. Shopping, dates, taking her to wherever she wanted and gave her whatever she wanted….you could definitely say gal got the dude wrapped around her finger, no? But that wasn’t enough...
She would always get more from others but had to keep a well clean slated reputation around others just to make others jealous on the kind of life she was living….jewels, good men, dining at the best places, seen with the cream of society…people from her social circles around Pierre warned him about her but he never listened…
Y’all just jealous,”
Is what he told them. Well, why insist on telling someone the truth and they don’t want to listen? They let him be… she shuffled the dude like a pack of cards before dealing them at a poker game in a casino.
Right after a shoot, Jean decided to surprise his future wife, with her favorite chocolate, perfect diamond cut ring tied around a three month old English spaniel puppy’s neck at her apartment as he proposed… surprisingly found the door opened… quietly he walked into her apartment to surprise her. Heard the shower running and headed straight to the bedroom to wait for her. With a smile on his face, he placed the pup on the floor as he saw the door open. As the little thing made its way to her new mummy who was overjoyed to see the puppy but to her surprise JP on her bed, dumbfounded. Moment of silence…
 “Baby, time for your back rub,” echoed a masculine voice from the bathroom.
Yeah, baby time for your rub don’t you think?”
 JP, it’s not what you think it is,”
Dropping everything on the floor, JP walked out even before he could say another would or have a grasp of air. Walked towards the elevator, with his ex running behind him,
“JP wait I can explain,”
 “You have nothing to explain. Just go and get your rub before you end up in the ICU,” he said. “But JP I love you.”
No you don’t. There is no such thing as love. If love existed, you wouldn’t do what you just did. Get out of my face, please?”
He drove for hours that night trying to figure out what had just happened. Best assumption would be that the girl actually called him back right? Ironically, not even a text to apologize… he reached a certain point and stopped driving. Recollected everything he was told by his boys, now the laughing stalk of them all, everything he did for her, publicity shame; none of that didn’t even bother him. All that mattered at that moment was the fact that, he felt empty; no heart; no soul; no room for affection; bunny had just digested a bad carrot. How would he get back on his feet? They say men don’t cry but really they do… he looked up into the sky and truly love was no longer a part of his chapter no more, nothing but a misconception that lingered in the human mind. Little did he know that, actually he didn’t lose his heart but actually came to face his fear head on. The fear of been alone; hurt; deceived and people taking advantage of you. All he had was what he considered to be his true love, a cigarette and a bottle in his hand.
Weird thing is, yes we do have diverse fears, some minor; some huge, but how do we face them? Let them control us? Do they actually control how we react to others? In this case, hurt others to feel the satisfaction of them been in the same dimension as you? Live in denial and rejection? Or turn over a new leaf and see the better options life has to offer?

Tuesday 29 November 2011


Kind of hard to explain….is he good or is he bad?
 On the fence is what you’d say right?
One day you think he’ll be a hot potato and tomorrow you get a sour puss…
But with all this judgment are we truly right?
In this world, we find such characters but sadly don’t take the time to know who they are and just base them on a mere cover that we see…..we don’t appreciate what they have to offer and brush them off till the moment we really need them the most, when we are stuck in a pickle; we misunderstand and underestimate them, joke, laugh and just go through another day over stepping the impact they have made in our day. Over shadowed by the weather, we wake up to and the rush of emotions we wake up with, we tend to get too distracted to see what the other person has to offer….
Indifferent you may say? I say different! You rarely get to find a person who is not hot and not cold at the same time, just room temperature but how do you get them to that point? Are they always constant? Or is it a show just to fit in? So many questions may arise and so many answers may be hidden but what does it take to just understand such a simple person? They may offer what no one else will ever offer you and may be a strike of disappointment when they bring their A game to the table but does it stop us from knowing them?
We are in a world that we dictate what is right from wrong from just a glance and not taking time to crucially investigate and define what is happening. We let small chances that may lead to large openings swing by us and later on come to realize “I had it!”
I would def not call you indifferent but special because in your own way, you add flavor to this cruel world that we live in and at the same time perfect without you knowing in your own special way.

Wine taster

In life we go thru so much that we can’t even tell the difference when your hit with diff similar situations just like hw we get confused with shoes, clothes, cars, chiqs, dudes, books............the list is so long n to some extent it reminds me of bin a wine taster!!!!!!Looking 4 a specific taste; one that will either drive u wild o quench u o one that will live u speechless!!!!

A wine taster has like the best sense of class with his o ha tang able to stop how old the wine is, flavors n hw best it would taste!!!

Same applies to our daily situations!!!N how we deal with them if not get ova them o maybe just spice them up alil bit!
When we r left at crossroads n we donna where to go, either back to the history we are used to and al the crap that we know how to control n handle if not dismantle o do we b adventurous n move down the lane that we have no idea about n op 4 the best with the risk of tripping if not fumbling at hand?
Or when an old friendship becomes a tale to b told to the next generation o worse 4gtn in the memory box? O worse sour bitter milk?
How about love that was bitter sweet n ended up becoming just splitting bitter that leaves Goosebumps of fear running down your spine??

Just like a wine taster:
1.Y would they try a sample that they have tried b4???It could b his fav n sweetest but doesn't know what the next sample would have 4 him n maybe would just end up been his fav da1 that sets him off if not burn him down!
2. As they always say the older the wine the sweeter just pending on where you store if not place it!!!
3. Good wine def lives ones taste buds up n about, leaving one craving 4 more n more n with time we ain't able to notice whether its bitter o sweet coz at the end of the day, it makes u chill out if not yarn 4 mo n the taster def will know how to compliment it either with chocolate o not o have it icy child o just child!!!

Def I’d say life is like wine depends on how u like it, when u like it n how you'd have it!!!!!!!!

What would u say???


We never know what may happen the next second in our lives, right? We don't know if we'll get the call of "you just won the lottery!" or we get lucky enough to be nominated as what we have always wanted to be, meet someone you haven't seen over centuries, bear a child, have the best few seconds of your life, watch a loved one die in your arms, watch your business go down the drain.........you never know what may happen next but what happens after it happens?

Ever thought what would happen if you heard a gunshot? What would you do?

1. Durk down in fear?
2. Run away screaming?
3. Stand confused, startled and in shock?
4. Video record the scenario?

What if after the gunshot you can't react to any of the above because you realize that the gunshot actually got you?

Do you?

1. Cry out for help?
2. Drop and just lay there helplessly?
3. Fight for your life?

Out of the three what would you pick?

If you were to cry out for help, what are the chances that someone would come to your rescue?
Fight for your life with all that pain?? Really is it the worth it? I’ll be punctured, scared and maybe paralyzed for life pending on wear the shot went through!
Lie there helplessly.....sounds better right?

There are some situations that happen in life that are actually like gun shots and it depends on how you face it when it gets to you!

Yeah not everyone would opt for this but this is when we tend to find out who your friends really are. They will help  through this phase, wipe your tears and hold you through consoling you and giving you hope that no matter what happens next that you’ll be ok and they’ll be right by your side through it all!!! And mentally even though we are just about to give up with the love and support from friends we tend to be positive and hold on because if someone believes in you, why can’t you yourself have the guts to believe that you can pull through in mind you aren’t alone??!!

Awesome decision!"I AM GOING TO MAKE IT NO MATTER WHAT" that I think the most positive statement I know of when everything isn’t going your way but just the thought of seen what is ahead and striving for it is what is most important because hey not everyone will be there to help you up when you fall hence the SOLE SURVIVOR theme going on!!Even though it seems impossible we always tend to strive to fight the odds and eventually after blood loss we finally make it! Hey 50 was shot how many times and is still alive? But you no what most of us forget is the concept of we do have a friend who without Him we wouldn’t be who we are so question is, why do we omit God knowing that He is there just a call away?

Really and you think I would bend down and help you if you don’t want be helped really???In life if you want to build yourself and grow you will realize as a loner you will never reach any place except the GRAVE in your miseries if not in depths of depression!!!How many times have we passed helpless people on the street and not helped them? ever wandered why? Well to me it seems like you don’t want my help but you want my pity which to me isn’t an option to be offered coz I will offend you!!!

Over the past year so much has happened to so many of us and it’s left me wandering after the gunshot what would you do?? I’ve watched the strongest pips crumble and make it worse not pick themselves up and end up on the second pick of life. It hurts but what do you do??

Take time to think about it before you ans this:



How many of us like painting?
How many love paintings?
How many of us even take time to notice simple art in their environment? Yeah including the painting you pass in your house on a daily basis and just ignore it?

Now where would you classify yourself?

Some say painting is a talent!
An outlet of expression:
An income,
A relaxant!

What would you say painting is?

Behind each painting is an untold story waiting to be discovered by others told by the artist but if you aren’t keen enough you will definitely miss the bus and see the painting as a waste of time, space, energy, resources and definitely paper. But do you know paintings are like a life story?

What does one deduce from a wrecked ship in a storm? ISSUES, right? swaying you from left to right with no support or stability or even signs of getting out of that situation but if you look deeper most of the time we either see rocks around; signifying hope; despite it been hard, we can survive through the depression, distress, despair, sorrow, distortion, confusion and some throw in with the twist of the sun at the far end? Is there really hope? Or maybe we just give in to the thunder and get swallowed up by the gashing waters? Most would say the painter is troubled, right? But the same painter show cases a picture of a mother and a child in her arms! What rings in your mind? Affection they lack or do they miss it? Simple show casing of love? Overflowing emotions? Sweet? Adorable?...........we have many words to describe that, right?

Paintings describe who we are, how we feel and words we would say but can’t say or better yet express what we are going through be joyous moments or sunny side down feelings!!!!!Question is, how is your painting coming along? How do you want to be remembered in someone’s life? And the storyline that goes with it?

I know most of you are thinking by now how you want to be remembered when your 6ft under...no that isn’t what I mean!!!I mean today right nu as u are reading this........how do u want people to remember you when they lay there head down to sleep tonight or when you part ways and say "I’ll c u later"......will u b the king of the jungle? Fastest race car made by Ferrari? Butterfly? Mix of colors? Beam of joy? Deep dark tunnel? Ship wreck? Clown? Coolest graffiti?
There are so many images now it’s up to you to determine what painting you are in the gallery of life!!!!!!!!!!