Tuesday 12 April 2016


Someone please help me understand this, why is it hard to appreciate people?
She wakes up every day and first thing she does is check up on you
She schedules her week and makes sure to spend time with you
She goes out of her way to run your errands when you’re tied up
He ensures he gives her whatever she wants,
He takes a bullet when it comes to doing things that she likes just to make her happy
He goes all the way to hold her hair back as she throws up in the washroom
Appreciate your girlfriend/ boyfriend

She makes sure your children are always tucked in bed every night
She ensures all your clothes are laundered accordingly
She is always your cheerleader on every idea and decision you make
She still sleeps in the same bed with you even when your hands have the scent of the other woman
He ensures your children have everything they want
He ensures he is able to provide for his family
He sacrifices everything for his family to ensure that they are safe at any one time
He turns a blind eye when he sees a text from your flirt and acts like he never saw a thing

Appreciate your Wife/ Husband
Just the other day when I was driving home, all these thoughts ran through my mind and I realized, we tend to take people for granted….ALOT….At times without knowing and at times knowingly. I took a second and it hit me, I do take a lot for granted; from my family to the few people I still have around me.
 I received a post today morning and that’s what drove me to write this post.
At times we do first have to accept who we are.
 At times we do have to change afew things here and there but change them to make us better and not for someone else. Once we overcome such a hurdle, we tend to gain a power that I LOVE…’SELF CONFIDENCE’ and of course LOVING YOURSELF EVEN MORE.
Humans tend to make the mistake of loving someone first before loving yourself. Hence we tend to hear about vicious tales of tragic break ups, bloody divorces and worse of all; fatalities.
At the end of the day, people will still take advantage of others; and I know I can’t change that, but what I can change is your perception and teach you on how to appreciate people more.
Thank the guard who opens the gate for you every morning and evening
The nanny who takes care of your babies when you are away
Your cleaner who cleans up after your crap
The cashiers at the stores who assist you with calculating your bill
Or even the bar tender who keeps topping you up whenever your glass is empty (but if he doesn't suggest you have water, change your bar tender …just saying)
Your parents for helping you get to where you are
Your spouse who is always by your side when your friends are nowhere in the vicinity
Today, I sat in a seat that a few years back I would be trembling to sit in. My voice would shake and I’d get teary due to fear. Today was a different story. I had confidence that I even surprised myself. The person across the table, instilled confidence in me…THANK YOU FOR THAT.
We never know that value of the people in our life till they are no longer in our environment.