Monday 14 November 2011

3600 sec

That’s the same as 60 minutes,
Equivalent to 1 hour right?
So much can happen within an hour, a child could be conceived or born, a child learn how to talk or walk, first impression is absorbed and judgment is perceived, one could easily fall in and out of love, have the worst and most memorable moment in your life, get hired or fired and at the same time one’s life could just stop, drop down and die. It’s kinda crazy how events tend to unfold in our lives, don’t you think?

Yolanda just sat there at her favorite coffee house, next to the window, not sure of what had just happened. “Welcome Yolanda, shall I get for you your normal flavored iced latte?” asked the waitress. “Yes please.” Yolanda sat there eagerly waiting for her boyfriend to see her new look and she was excited because they hadn’t seen each other over a long duration of time. Looking through the window, the amazing scene of Nairobi in the evening is such a breathe taking master piece; the sun setting in the horizon, cars everywhere with the locals trying to make their way home, street lights going on, pedestrians everywhere and the vegetation and water foundation at the far corner of one’s eye view…..magnificent would be an understatement. The most amazing thing is despite the hustle and bustle, one couldn’t hear the sounds of the engines roaring or nonsensical cars hooting…you enter your own world all together and forget about what is going on.
“Here you go,” said the waitress bring Yolanda back to reality. “Thanks dear.” She pulled out her book as she waited for the love of her life. ‘I wonder what his wearing today. Can’t wait to be in his arms again and smell him. OMG I hope my hair looks ok.’ Pulls out her little mirror from her make-up bag, touched her lips then it hit her,’ wait why am I so concerned about my look?’
“Hey,” she looked up and her heart stopped for a second; bubbling emotions of joy, excitement every happy emotion one can think of all wrapped up into one tiny petit human body. But he just sat down….no kiss? OK... “How you? Want to order anything?” “No, not really, I’m actually in a rush. I’m sorry I’ve been silent and haven’t seen you for awhile. Thing is you and I are over. Before you react, I’m not seen someone else it’s just so much is happening in our lives right now and I don’t think it’s the right time for us to be together. Plus I realized, you love me more than I love you……”
WAIT A MINUTE….WHAT??For a second everything froze….Yolanda starred at his lips as he went on and on and couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Massive confusion was bothering her mind that she didn’t hear him ask her, “can I go now?” startled she just nodded her head and he got up and just left. As he walked out, she asked for the bill and left a hefty tip from the change…..
Walking towards the escalator, she glanced at her watch. 60 minutes before she was excited to see the man she was going to say the two words that last for eternity, ‘I DO’ to…have his kids….and 3600 seconds later it was all gone. Heart stabbed and left out in the cold to bleed to death. Everything in her body froze and she couldn’t even open her car without the alarm going off…..she fidgeted with the door and fell onto the ground, crying her heart out that was once alive….” What will I do?” Yolanda was pregnant……..

It’s so true we 1 hour is long enough for us as humans to die and participate in events in our life that can leave us scarred for a moment or for life. Do we really make wrong decisions? Second guess ourselves? Perfect vs. imperfection….. Things do happen for a reason… we just need to know how to work through them if not against or round them…right?

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