Wednesday 2 March 2016


Over the past few weeks, I have been undergoing “a go slow”. I used to wake up every morning asking myself “why? Why waste my time in traffic as well as fuel?” Yet when I get to the office, I spend 2 hours of my 8 hrs working and the rest I bum…
I had serious negative energy around me that I allowed it to get to me. I started shutting people out, easily getting irritated over small things that quite literally were lack of common sense fro some people (according to me)…..but hey…..we definitely have such apples in the basket. Truth is….I STARTED HATING MY JOB.
Last week, I got my results to my Hogans Assessment Test ( It’s a personality test. Google and try it out. Totally worth your 60 mins of your day). The funny truth is, I have always been fighting myself, trying to figure out who I am, my purpose and my results gave me a serious understanding on all that.
I can straight up tell you the reason as to why I act in a certain way as we speak. I realized why I was letting small things get to me….MY ATTITUDE was all wrong. Whatever small issue that I would come across, I would bitch about it…whatever small matter that would arise, I would bitch about it….asin I went all the way to judging books by the cover and not by their content…( I actually went against everything that I advise people). I quire literally became a bitter person for abit. As a result, I watched my trust with people diminish, some friendships deteriorate and my own relationship hit the wall. I did not care for anyone but myself at this point.
When I sat down to think about it, I realized, the world was not the problem, I WASI made myself hate situations instead of making the best out of them. I even stopped my normal morning routines; meditation and work-outs. I harbored the laziness which in return generated a lot of ANGER.

To get my balance back, was simple….CHANGE MY ATTITUDE…BE MORE POSITIVE…. You actually do get a lot out of POSITIVISM for some reason…. I guess it’s coz of the energy one invests in it. I have now gone back to working out twice a day, meditation every morning as well as changing in my diet. I know that sounds a bit ridiculous, but it actually works.
Another angle I took, CUT OFF ALL THE NON-ADDING VALUERS from my life. There are some bad weeds we have in our life who are always NEGATIVE and never want you to succeed. Anyone who doesn’t help me grow both spiritually, mentally and emotionally, I showed them the no entry sign…which is amazing as now I can focus more on other things that bring value to me.
I know, currently, I still have a lot to go through but I thought it would be best to share this with you because I know there are so many people out there who were or are in the same shoes as I was…FIRST STEP…. Evaluate yourself and accept. Find out where the problem is before getting the solutions that work for you to help you improve yourself.
 But the most important thing i took out of the experience....IS LOVE AND UNDERSTAND YOURSELF


1 comment:

  1. mmmmh happy and proud of you. I can imagine how easy it now feels with the new attitude
