Saturday 1 June 2013


Today was an awesome day. Had the day to myself, did my nails, had pizza for lunch, made dinner that actually took less than 40 mins to prep n cook (talk about amazing) then oh yeah...i baked.

Most of the people who know me, know me to bake when I'm pissed off a stress reliever (to be honest, today I actually used that to calm down few things that I have going on in my life that are getting to me), while others want me to start a business from my baking. And of course i have fans who always want me to bake for them just for the sake and others want a lesson.

So i decided i could share some of my tips on baking once in awhile....when i bake that is....

I went for the normal cliche shortbread cookie. They are the simplest cookies to make though i hate the part where my nails get messed up but amazing thing is within half an hour...they were ready n i had finished prepping my dinner ingredients n clearing up the dishes...

When it comes to baking, I always love trying something this time i cut them out into certain THICK shapes n coated them with was the most heavenliest snack ever...Another annoying thing i hate about baking is the fact that you have to convert measurements and try and figure out how much something is equivalent to (i was to lazy to use my excuse at all) then u have to figure out the right temperature to use because for me i have issues with following recipes then the product comes out burnt...tsk tsk tsk....anyway another thing I forgot to mention about this cookies is that they don't have EGGS or MILK...I have friends who are lactose intolerant or react to protein...(I'm on a mission on formulating ingredients to cater to such people in our country because I think that their needs are ignored....)

So to make my fab cookies this is all you need....

1 cup of butter/margarine (which ever is available or that you prefer)
1/2 cup of sugar
2cups of flour 1sp vanilla essence

Pre heat oven at 160 and prepare your baking sheet
Mix in the butter, sugar and essence till they become fluffy
Add the flour bit by bit
Place on the baking sheet (can either be cut out shapes) and separate slightly by scoring with a knife. Ensure to prick the top with a fork.
Bake for 30 mins or till golden
Let them cook before decorating.

With this basic ingredients you can spice it up with like a different essence for different tastes or even add a dash of coffee or coconut for texture.
For decoration, I prefer coating them with chocolate and edible silver balls.
Good thing about this recipe, the young ones can even join when you make it or even do it themselves...

And there you have cookies for a simple snack or even for tea or you could wrap them up and pack them as a gift for a friend :)

Happy Baking

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