Wednesday 4 January 2012


We are always hyped about a year ending and another starting. Look back onto the things we have done throughout the ear, flaws, mistakes, success, triumph….you know then we start making new year’s resolutions. Funny thing is that most of us have New Year’s resolutions and yet we don’t like stick to most of them. Why jazz yourself you will wake up in the morning to jog to keep fit yet you don’t wanna leave the warmth and comfort of your zone? (I know I’m guilty of that), eat healthier, work harder to get a promotion, cut on the bad habits, get a partner, start a business, expansion of the job firm, try out new things,…you know the list is so endless! But I just don’t understand why we are able to lie to ourselves so much and just not face the realities of life no matter how harsh they are?
Most of us want to have life the easier way. Keep procrastinating and telling yourself tomorrow will be a better day and you will take a step to do that then before you know it the year is over and you wonder, “How the hell did that even happen?”
 As the year begins, y don’t you be real with yourself? Make goals that are realistic and will build you, rather than destroy or dismantle you at the end of it all. At the same time we need to be harsh with ourselves in order to reach where we wanna be in December 2012 when you actually sit back and counter check your accomplishments.
As for my country, Kenya, dear God please be with us as we head into elections. We all need to remember we are Kenya herself. We need each other for this nation to move forward. All this tribal crap is just a waste of time and nonsensical. Why kill or fight your brother from another mother and then tomorrow realize that you need their help?
I don’t want to see what happened in 2007-2008 happen again.
I don’t want to leave in fear of not knowing what will happen next and make the country come to a sudden halt.
I don’t want to see bloodshed over idiotism called tribalism.
I don’t want to see massacres that left the country torn. People lose their loved ones and ironically the main people fuelling this madness are all back at home, comfortable under tight security and not caring of what is going on.
Let us be the bigger people and make wise decisions during our election and keep in mind…I NEED MY BROTHER IN ORDER TO MAKE A BETTER KENYA NAD BEETER LIFE FOR ME TOMMOROW.

HAPPY 2012

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