Saturday 4 July 2015

Always Be Real With Yourself

They always say; “Those closer to you know how best to bring you down”. Well to some extent there is massive truth to it but at the same time.
For this article, I actually reminisced about my own personal life. I always get questions as to ‘why you a loner?’ ‘why don’t you have many female friends?’
Technically one in their sane mind would say I am a BITCH. There is some truth to that and here are some of the reasons;
I despise bull-shitters. Come strolling into my life all flowery and rosy and yet the manure that helped you grow is what you taint of. I hate such goons. Like seriously? Sigh….but amazing thing about these persons, they are just there for a season then they find someone else to stick on once you pull their bluffs.
I hate self centered characters. It doesn’t hurt when once in awhile we put ourselves first….ok scratch that…..we should always put ourselves first… (After our Creator; depending on your religion and our children). But why do some people think that it is always about them? They are always right? It’s their way or the highway? Like seriously? I think there should be an alternative planet for such people. How self-centered can you bloody get? These are people who in my head, I see myself dunking then into a huge tint of colored paint then glue their lips together (I have no idea but that’s the though I always have in my mind. I know you may also have worse ideas than I do…)
I loathe back stabbers. I love this bunch of people though. What I find amazing about them is they will stab you in the back and assume that you have no clue. You may have known them for years and years but they are still the same people who when you fly out of town they will come round and destroy your home.
Now you understand why having girlfriends isn’t part of my vocabulary. I do have friends who are girls but over the years I have learnt to be real with myself. There’s no point of having several friends in your circle and yet they don’t grow you or even have your back. It doesn’t hurt to be real with yourself because at the end of the day, you’re the only person who gets disappointed. My confidant gave me this reality check and was dem right. I have no remorse for all the baggage that I have shaded off. At the end of it all; BEEN REAL WITH YOURSELF IS THE MOST PRICELESS THING EVER AND HURTS NO ONE.


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